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Explore the Base web3 ecosystem with Exodus
Explore the Base web3 ecosystem with Exodus

Connect to Base dApps and web3 apps, buy Ethereum on Base, and more! Explore the Base web3 ecosystem in style with Exodus.

Updated over a week ago

Connect to Base dApps and web3 apps. To explore Base web3 in style, download Exodus Web3 Wallet!

In this article:

What is the Base ecosystem?

The Base ecosystem is everything built on the Base network. It comprises Base tokens, NFTs, DEXs, DeFi dApps, and many other web3 apps.

The Base network is a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum built by Coinbase. It uses Optimism’s open-source OP Stack, which allows it to process transactions significantly faster and cheaper than the Ethereum mainnet.

If you're looking for blockchain data, you can use BaseScan, one of the most popular block explorers for Base.

While participating in the Base ecosystem, you will need wrapped ETH on the Base network to cover the gas fees to fuel your transactions. These fees can vary depending on the type of transaction and how busy the network is.

From using smart contracts to participating in DeFi, here is an introduction to what you can do on Base.

How do I connect to Base dApps and web3 apps?

First of all, what are dApps and web3 apps? They're like any other app, except they're built using blockchain technology like smart contracts. Instead of signing in with a username and password, you connect with a crypto wallet.

All dApps are web3 apps, but not all web3 apps are decentralized, so 'web3 app' is the umbrella term used for any app you connect to with a crypto wallet. If you'd like to learn more, please visit: What are dApps and web3 apps?

You can connect to Base web3 apps with Exodus Web3 Wallet.

Exodus Web3 Wallet

Download Exodus Web3 Wallet to connect to Base web3 apps.

Web3 Wallet is a multi-chain browser extension wallet for Chrome and Brave. To learn more, please visit: Getting started with Exodus Web3 Wallet.

What are some popular dApps and web3 apps on Base?

The Base ecosystem is a relatively new blockchain, but many projects are being built on the platform.

You can connect and explore without any funds in your wallet. But if you want to interact with web3 apps, you'll need some wrapped ETH on the Base network to pay transaction fees, also known as gas.

Don't have any ETH on Base? Jump to: How do I buy ETH on Base?

It's important to note that Exodus provides a software interface that allows you to connect to web3. Exodus can't guarantee the safety of any third-party platform, including the web3 apps listed here. Make sure you do your own research, and only connect to web3 apps you trust 100%.

For more information about how to stay safe while exploring the wide world of web3, please visit: Safety and security for DeFi and web3.

Here are some of the most popular Base web3 Apps: is a decentralized social network that allows users to monetize their social media presence.

Users can buy and sell keys linked to X (formerly known as Twitter) accounts. These keys give users access to private chatrooms and exclusive content.

Compound Finance

Compound Finance is a decentralized lending and borrowing platform that allows users to earn interest on the crypto they lend or take out a loan with crypto as collateral.


DackieSwap is a DEX where you can swap Base tokens and provide liquidity or stake tokens to earn rewards.

Across Protocol

Across Protocol is a cross-chain token bridge that is secured by UMA's optimistic oracle. It allows users to transfer assets between Base and other blockchain networks, such as Ethereum and Polygon.

How do I buy ETH on Base?

You can buy some ETH on the Base network with the Buy Crypto feature in your Exodus wallet.

Depending on your region, you may be able to purchase ETH on Base through MoonPay or Ramp. You can find our step-by-step guides here:

For general info on how to buy crypto, visit: Where can I buy Bitcoin and other crypto?

Which Base tokens does Exodus support?

Exodus supports Base tokens! You can enable supported Base tokens by following the steps in this guide: How do I enable and disable assets in Exodus?

If you can't find your token, jump to: How do I add custom Base tokens?

Filter by the Base network in the Assets section of your wallet to see all Base tokens. For full instructions, visit: How do I find an asset by its network?



Web3 Wallet

How do I add custom Base tokens?

Base custom tokens are supported in Exodus Mobile, Desktop, and Web3 Wallet.

For instructions on how to add Base custom tokens, visit: How do I add a custom token?

How can I view my Base transaction history?

Base is a network with light support, so your wallet will only display Base transactions you've sent from Exodus. Transactions received on the Base network will not show in your transaction history.

To view your full transaction history, visit the Base block explorer and search for your Base address: BaseScan.

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