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Staking Aptos (APT) FAQs
Staking Aptos (APT) FAQs

Exodus APTOS wallet staking: What are Aptos staking rewards? You can stake APT and see APT staking rewards from your Exodus APT wallet.

Updated over a week ago

Everything you need to know about staking Aptos (APT) from your Exodus wallet to receive APT staking rewards!

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Currently, Aptos (APT) staking is available on Exodus Desktop.

In this article:

What is Aptos (APT) staking?

Aptos is a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain that launched in October 2022. The primary asset of the Aptos network is Aptos (APT).

You can stake APT by delegating it to a validator on the Aptos network. This helps contribute resources to the network's stability and processing power and allows you to earn rewards.

Staking APT is currently available on Exodus Desktop.

Staking allows you to earn APT rewards. Rewards are automatically added to your staked balance.

While your APT is staked, it is locked and can't be sent or swapped. To send or swap your APT, you'll need to unstake it.

Staking Aptos (APT) FAQs

What happens when I stake my APT?

Staking means pledging an amount of your APT to a validator. This makes you a delegator.

Aptos validators validate and approve transactions on the Aptos blockchain. The more APT delegated to a validator, the more transactions they get to validate. By delegating your tokens to the validator, you are voting for and signaling your trust in them.

The more transactions a validator validates, the more rewards they earn. From the earned rewards, they give back to all the people who delegated their APT to them. This is how you earn rewards on your staked APT.

How does staking APT work?

You need to stake a minimum of 11 APT. In addition, you need to have enough for the 0.05 APT minimum reserve and the staking transaction fees.

It usually takes around 2 hours before your APT is staked.

While your APT is staked, you will earn rewards every epoch. There's an epoch every two hours.

Staked APT is locked. You can only send or swap unstaked APT.

After unstaking, you will need to wait until the end of the current lockup period before your APT is available. Each lockup period is 30 days long.

After unstaking, you need to claim your unstaked APT to return it to your wallet.

Which validator will I be delegating my funds to?

When you stake your APT in Exodus, you will delegate funds to our third-party staking API provider Everstake.

Where can I find the APY for staking APT?

To learn more about Annual Percentage Yield (APY), please visit: What is APY?

You can view the current approximate APY in the APT staking section.


In Exodus Desktop, a) go to the Overview tab to view both b) your Earnings and c) the approximate Annual Percentage Yield for APT staking.

Does Exodus charge a fee to stake APT?

You will pay network transaction fees when staking APT. 100% of these fees go to the Aptos network.

Stake transaction fee:

  • A transaction fee for staking APT

Unstake transaction fee:

  • A transaction fee for unstaking APT

Claim unstaked APT transaction fee:

  • A transaction fee for claiming unstaked APT to return the APT to your wallet

For further information on network transaction fees, visit our article: Does Exodus have transaction fees to send and receive?

What is the minimum amount I need to start staking?

You need to stake a minimum of 11 APT. In addition, you need to have enough for the 0.05 APT minimum reserve and the staking transaction fees.

If you are already staking APT and want to stake additional APT, then each time you want to stake more, you will need to stake a minimum of 0.1 APT.

What is the APT minimum reserve?

Exodus always reserves 0.05 APT, which stays in your wallet. This minimum reserve can't be sent or staked.

This ensures that you have enough APT available to pay transaction fees when you wish to unstake and claim unstaked APT.

When will I start earning rewards?

Your APT will be fully staked after about 2 hours.

You will then earn rewards after every epoch, which is every 2 hours. The rewards you earn are added to your staked balance.

Do I need to claim my APT rewards?

You do not need to claim your APT rewards.

Your earned rewards will automatically be added to your staked APT balance.

To send or swap your APT rewards, you need to unstake your APT.

Is staking APT safe?

Staking your APT is done in a self-custodial way in Exodus. That means it is as safe as holding APT in your wallet.

The APT you stake is locked. You can only send or swap unstaked APT.

When unstaking, your APT becomes available when the current lockup period ends. Each lockup period is 30 days.

How long until my APT finishes unstaking?

When you unstake Aptos, you will need to wait until the end of the current lockup period before your APT is available.

Each lockup period is 30 days long, which means unstaking can take up to 30 days.

You can see the unstaking progress by going to the APT staking section. a) Click In Progress, and b) you can see the unstaking progress under Time Remaining.

Once unstaking is complete, you need to claim your unstaked APT to your wallet.

How do I stake APT?


Staked APT is locked and can't be sent or swapped. To send or swap your APT, you'll need to unstake and wait for the current lockup period to end, which can take up to 30 days.

  1. In Exodus Desktop, click the Rewards app.

  2. Navigate to where it says Aptos and click Explore.

  3. a) Enter the amount of APT you want to stake, then b) click Stake APT.

  4. If you're happy with the amount you've chosen, click Stake to proceed and confirm your stake request.

    After making the stake request, it takes around 2 hours for your APT to finish staking, and thereafter, you will earn rewards every 2 hours.

How does unstaking work?

When you decide to unstake your APT, you can only choose to unstake your entire staked APT balance, including your earned staking rewards.

After unstaking, you will need to wait until the end of the current lockup period before your APT is available. Each lockup period is 30 days long, which means unstaking can take up to 30 days.

You can always view the unstaking progress from your Exodus wallet. To see how, jump to: How long until my APT finishes unstaking?

After unstaking is complete, you must claim your unstaked APT to return it to your wallet.

How do I unstake APT?


  1. In Exodus Desktop, click the Rewards app.

  2. Navigate to where it says Aptos, then click Overview.

  3. a) Click the Unstake tab at the top, then b) click Unstake APT to unstake your staked APT balance.

    After you start unstaking APT, you will need to wait for the current lockup period to end, which can take up to 30 days. When unstaking is complete, you must claim your unstaked APT to return it to your wallet.

How do I claim unstaked APT?

After you unstake, you'll need to wait up to 30 days for your APT to finish unstaking. When unstaking is complete, you must claim your unstaked APT to return it to your wallet.

You won't be able to send or swap any unstaked APT that has not been claimed.

Here's how you can claim your unstaked APT.


  1. In Exodus Desktop, click on the Rewards app.

  2. Navigate to where it says Aptos, then click on Overview.

  3. a) Click the In Progress tab, then b) click Ready to Claim.

  4. To confirm you wish to claim your unstaked APT, click Claim.

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